A Journey to a Happier, Healthier You

Our Skills Challenge will help you unlock the full potential of Current Meditation while creating a lasting foundation for your ongoing meditation practice. Over the course of five months, you’ll take classes, complete activities, and capture your progress in a corresponding journal for each month of your journey. Along the way, you’ll develop tangible skills that you can apply to your work, your relationships, and virtually every other aspect of your life. Skills Challenge comes free with an Unlimited Membership.

Month 1: Intention

Consider this the goal-setting stage. In the first month, you’ll learn what intention is, how to set your own, and why we believe it to be the foundational step in your journey. We’ll push you to reflect on what’s important to you, what you’d like to change, and what you hope to get out of your meditation practice, and then teach you how to meditate deliberately on those intentions. Are you looking to increase productivity at work? Maybe you’d like to learn to be more present when spending time with family. How you stretch your mind is up to you.

Month 2: Focus

At this stage, you’ll build the mental muscle to transform your brain as well as your being. We’ll work on exercising the parts of your mind that improve memory, fuel creativity, and strengthen decision-making skills. Learn to train your brain to lock in on the task in front of you with laser-sharp focus, becoming less distracted and reactionary. This will ensure you get more done with more enjoyment and more fulfilling results. If your goal was to improve concentration, awareness, productivity, and control, this is when you’ll begin to see those changes.

Month 3: Presence

It’s been three months of consistency, and you’re about to master the ability to pause and gather yourself before reacting too emotionally in challenging situations. Your temper will improve, you’ll be able to block negative energy from others, and you’ll feel sharper, more engaged, and more connected to those surrounding you both at work and at home. By now, you’re figuring out how to get off of that mental treadmill so you can better tune in to the world around you with more gratitude. Life will no longer pass you by. Instead, you’ll start feeling what it’s like to live it fully and in the moment.

Month 4: Mindfulness

This month, you’ll hone the tools to handle life’s challenges with more calmness, patience, and wisdom. By becoming more mindful, you’re becoming more aware of what you’re doing. You’ll notice the gap between stimulus and response, and when it comes time to respond, you’ll see an ability to make more thoughtful decisions. When obstacles are thrown at you, your toolbox will be filled with the mental hardware to tackle them.

Month 5: Consistency

At this moment, you’re recognizing significant improvements in your life, and so are your family and friends. Don’t let all of this go to waste. The brain is like a muscle, and just like all other muscles in your body, if you stop exercising them, they become weak, and all of the work you put in to strengthen them quickly diminishes. Meditation is not a destination; it’s a journey. Now that you’re rewired, the key is to keep going—keep exploring meditation, keep expanding your mind and keep improving the way you live your life so as to maintain the benefits and continue to improve physically, cognitively, and emotionally.

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